Thursday, January 29, 2009
Our first purchases for Chase!
ANYHOO, we were in Kmart and Ty and I were looking at all the adorable baby/infant outfits they had while Zane wandered elsewhere. When we finally caught up with him, he had something in his hand and said "I just have to get this....."
How cute is that?!?!? I'm usually not one for buying bibs, but that was just too adorable to pass up....and, it was under $2!!!!
Also, last week I ordered a new boppy pillow cover, and I just got it today.....I used amazon gc's to pay for it, so it was basically free!!!
I just LOVE the pattern and colors! I can't wait to put it on the boppy pillow. Although i'm sure i'll wait until it gets closer to our due date to help try and keep some of the dog hair off of it.....LOL!!!!
So, so far we're not off to a bad start!! I got an excellent deal on a pair of pants, we got an adorable bip at a good price, and got a boppy pillow cover practically free!!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
19 weeks
At 15cm crown to-rump, or a total length of about eight inches, and weighing eight ounces, your baby is getting big. This week, permanent teeth buds are forming behind the milk teeth buds.
I still can't believe i'm already 19 weeks! Time is going by so quickly. I'm still the same as fas as symptoms go. I had to increase one of my pressure meds and that has made me feel so exhausted and tends to give me a pressure headache.....not quite a headache, but it feels like I have tons of pressure at the top of my head. It has eased up some, but the being exhausted part hasn't. UGH!! I have so much cleaning to do and all I have the energy for is to walk from the living room to the bathroom and back, and even then I have to stop for a few seconds to rest. I'm still dealing with nasty bloating by the end of the day. Other than that, everything seems to be going well! I honestly know I should count myself lucky as far as symptoms go, but symptoms can be so reassuring when I don't feel Nibbles move very often. I mean, if I at least felt pregnant it would help put my mind at ease! LOL
Friday, January 23, 2009
Today's appointment
We have another appointment set for February for another ultrasound for them to get the rest of Chase's measurements.....:)
Yesterday's appointment
Now, my blood pressure was of course up. :( Our OB called the high risk office to see what we should do and they said to increase one of my pressure meds and that they wanted to see me the next day at 9am.
The Ob asked if I was slightly dissapointed we weren't having a girl and I said "Not at all! I know how to handle a penis!!"
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
18 weeks
Your baby has grown to 14cm crown to rump, or seven inches total length. Adding two ounces in just one week, your baby tips the scales at seven ounces. Baby's limbs are lengthening and, at last, body length is catching up to head size. Bones are still malleable but are beginning to ossify.
As far as symptoms, the only thing that is annoying is the bloating!! I swear, I look like i'm 8 months pregnant by the end of the day!!! When I wake up in the morning it's all gone, but it starts right back up within a few hours. I noticed yesterday morning that my baby belly has slightly popped. Zane even commented on how he can see it. Now i'm excited for when I can feel Nibbles moving more and more....right now it's just hit or miss, but it's still an amazing feeling. :)
The big excitement this week is this Thursday when we have the BIG ultrasound!!!! Only three more days to go!!!! I so hope Nibbles co-operates with us so we can get a good look. I'm going to be sure to have a little bit of someting sugary to help Nibbles get moving in there. And of course i'll be sure to update when we get back from the appointment. :)
Monday, January 12, 2009
17 weeks
At 12cm crown to rump, or a total length of about 6 1/2 inches, your baby is large enough to give you a good swift kick in the tummy. Within the next month, you should be able to feel this five-ounce wonder throwing his or her weight around.
At this time, fat deposits will appear under the baby's skin. This fat will help your baby to regulate his or her temperature after birth.
Where have the weeks gone?!? It honestly seems like I just got my BFP, and now i'm only 3 weeks shy of being half way through the pregnancy!!!
Ok, so I know i'm going to sound like a broken record, but symptoms really haven't changed much. My boobs only hurt from time to time, I get a little nauseous/puky if I wait too long in between eating, and i'm still wiped out after doing hardly anything at all. This house is really showing the signs of my exhaustion, unfortunately. :( I've tired forcing myself to get things done, but that doesn't seem to help at all. I sure hope I get energy back, and soon!!!
This pregnancy is so totally different than my first, and I know all pregnancies can be different, but sometimes the lack of symptoms worry me......and then i'll feel a little nudge or flutter from Nibbles, and all is right again. :)
In less than two weeks we find out if Nibbles has an innie or an outie!!! I can't wait!! I love the nickname Tyler picked out, Nibbles, but it will be so nice to finally be able to say "he" or "she" or say a name. :)
Friday, January 9, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
16 weeks
Weighing in at all of three ounces, your little one is now 12cm crown to rump, or 5 1/2 inches head to toe. Baby's head is now held high, and limb movements are co-ordinated. The eyes have come closer together so that they face forward, and the baby begins to blink. On an ultrasound, you could catch sight of the sucking reflex as your baby sucks his or her thumb.
Symptoms are still about the same. (I feel like a broken record! LOL) I'm super gaggy/puky in the mornings still, which can make taking meds a little difficult. One difference i'm noticing the past few days is the exhaustion is back with a vengeance!! It took me over 3 hours to put laundry away yesterday! :( I can only do things a little at a time before I have to sit down or I feel like i'm going to fall over. I don't even think I was this worn out during the first trimester! I know Nibbles is going through some major growth spurts the next few weeks, so that explains the exhaustion.......keep growing Nibbles!!! I'm hungry most of the time, so i've had to really be careful with what I eat so I don't gain a ton of weight and I don't mess with my sugar readings.
This Thursday we see Dr. Elders to have blood drawn as a follow up from the NT test a few weeks ago. I'm hoping we may get to hear Nibbles heartbeat again. :)
Friday, January 2, 2009
Anyhoo, last nights dream was SO weird!!! I was in a doctors office with a bunch of other women who were there to have their big ultrasounds to find out the gender of their babies. Well, they were so busy and so far behind that apparently I got sleepy and feel asleep. When I woke up, I asked the nurse if they had skipped over me and she said "Oh, we went ahead and the did the ultrasound while you were sleeping....the results are written up on the big chalkboard." So I went over to the chalkboard and saw this:
I guess we find out on the 22nd if my dream was right........................