
Monday, April 13, 2009

Today's appointment *update*

3:15pm/Dr. Elder - So today was supposed to be the 3D ultrasound, but thanks to Z's screw up last week we had to reschedule to next Monday at 8:00am. I still have the appointment this afternoon, but no ultrasound. I'll update this post either tonight or tomorrow morning.........

So today's appointment wasn't a total waste. We did get an ultrasound of Chase, which was nice. I'll see about getting them scanned and posted shortly. They said he looked great! He is now head down and actually facing my back....I really hope he stays facing that way, too!!! Ty was sunny-side up and was tough to push out! LOL He does have his hand resting on his head just like Ty did, and one of his feet is up by his head! LOL The only bad thing was my pressure was up a little, so we have to go back in the morning to have it rechecked. I also had to give blood to have my A1C checked and have to do a 24 hour urine test again.

After tomorrow we go back next Monday for our 3D ultrasound.

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