
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Yesterdays appointment :)

2:00pm/Dr. Elders - We had such an amazing appointment yesterday!!!! I honestly thought we were going in for a blood pressure checkup, but boy were we wrong! Once we got back into the room, the nurse came in with something in her hand and said "I'm going to listen to the baby's heartbeat." I was like, what?!?!?! I had NO idea they were going to try that this week!!! Well, she tried for a few minutes and couldn't get anything, so she was going to have us move into the ultrasound room to find it that way, mainly because I was only 11w5d along. Well, not too long after she left the room, another nurse came in, (she is our regular nurse and is SO awesome!!! Honestly, everyone in that office is amazing!) and she found Nibbles heartbeat right away. It was THE best sound in the world!!! Tyler asked her, "Is that the baby's heartbeat?!?" And she said "It sure is!!" The look on his face was truly priceless. The doctor was in the room with us as well and he just loved how Tyler reacted to hearing the heartbeat. All three of us were so surprised we got to hear it....all three of us are still smiling about it. :)

Also, my pressure was awesome!!! The new medicine is finally in my system and working great!! (it's a shame it's so flippin' expensive >:-( ) The doctor commented on how impressed he was with my pressure and sugar readings, and even said I looked good and healthy!!!

I go back to the high risk ob/gyn for a nuchal screening next Wednesday, then in the beginning of January I go back to the regular ob for follow up bloodwork and then......a week after Tyler's birthday we have the big ultrasound to see if Nibbles is a boy or a girl!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Congrats! :) Ooh, I can't wait to find out if the little boy with the fluffy blond hair is in there or if it's a little girl. LOL! I wonder if I'll start having dreams again closer to your big ultrasound. LOL! You would kill me if I was pregnant right now, we never find out--drives Patrick nuts. hahahahaha

I love that Tyler is so excited. I can feel it from the written word, it's so strong. :)

BTW, what was the heartbeat? I'm curious to see if old wives tales will sit with you--the heartbeat thing was off with Elway--she had the boy heartbeat, Maryjean was right on and I think Jon-Christopher had the girl heartbeat if I remember right. LOL! Poor little guy, he always comes up as a girl on the Chinese calendar thingie too. LOL!

Christine said...

See, it doesn't bother me too much if others wait to find out the gender, i'm just SO not patient enough to wait 9 months!! LOL I wish I was, though.....especially with this being our last pregnancy.

They didn't say what the heartrate was Friday, but the last ultrasound we had the heartrate was 174. The chinese gender chart was wrong with Tyler, and this time i've gotten two different answers from different chinese says boy and one says girl?!?!? We know there is only one little on in there! LOL