
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yesterdays appointments

Well, yesterday we had two appointments; one at 10:15 with the regular ob, Dr. Elders and one at 2:10pm with the high risk diabetic doctor. We also had to drop off a 24 hour urine test I did on Monday, plus fit in getting an EKG done!!! Yesterday was a hectic day, to say the least! LOL

The first appointment went ok. My pressure was up, of course. :( We were also hoping they were going to do another vaginal ultrasound but he said he didn't know if the other dr. was going to do one so he said he would wait. They did draw 5 tubes of blood for whatever pregnancy stuff they run. The nurses at that office are SO nice!!! And they all love Tyler. After that appointment we went to have the EKG done. We were worried we would run out of time in between appointments, but boy were we wrong!!! The EKG took a grand total of.....10 seconds!!! The longest part of it was hooking up all the wires and taking them all off after the test was done. I was only in the back for a little over 10 minutes!!! When I came out, Zane and Ty were in the waiting room and Zane gave me a worried look and asked what was wrong? I told him not a thing, we were done!!! So, we had a little over 2 hours to kill before our next appointment. We got some lunch, then went to walmart to walk around. At our second appointment, of course my pressure was still up. The diabetic dr. was impressed with how well my sugars are finally doing, and I told her the only reason they are doing so good was because I was going through so much insulin. She said that was perfectly normal, especially with being pregnant. A pregnant woman will need to use more insulin than a regular diabetic no matter how many carbs they eat, and she reassured me I wasn't doing or eating anything wrong. They did up one of my blood pressure meds so hopefully that will help with that. We didn't get to see Little Nibbles, but I really can't complain.......the diabetic doctor gave us 10 bottles of insulin!!!!! That is over $200 worth!! She told us last week if we ever needed any insulin to tell her, so I asked her yesterday if she had a bottle she could spare. She said of course and would bring it to me at the lab, since I had to have my blood drawn for the 24 hour urine sample. Well, Zane and Ty checked me out while I was in the lab, and when they were done they came in to get me and Zane had something in his hand that I couldn't quite make out. When we left he said "Check this out!" and I saw he had 10 bottles!!!! I was floored!!!! I definitely did not expect to get that many bottles! Everyone in that office is so amazingly awesome. We really lucked out with these doctors at both offices.

We go back on November 20th to the regular ob, Dr. Elders and he said they will definitely do an ultrasound then. I'll be almost 10 weeks by that time, so hopefully we'll get a good look at Little Nibbles.

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