
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

7 weeks


Your baby-to-be is the size of a small bean, measuring in at nine millimetres, crown to rump. It has dark spots, which mark the early formation of the eye lens. Pits indicate the formation of nostrils and ears. The brain, heart, limbs and facial characteristics are now forming. Your baby's heart now has a right and left chamber.

I'm a little late with posting this, since we were 7 weeks this past Sunday. The past two days have been hectic!!

So far, things seem to be going well as far as symptoms. I still really don't feel preggo, but then again I didn't feel preggo with Ty until I was over 10 weeks. I still feel a little puky throughout the day, but it is mainly when I go too long without eating. My nose is SO stuffy at night time!! It makes it so hard to get good sleep. :( I've been using those Breathright strips and they do help, but they are SO expensive!! I still feel tired/run down, but mainly in the afternoon. Other than that, things seem to be good!!

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