Chase's birth/induction went SO perfectly!! I couldn't have asked for a better experience. We arrived at the hospital at 5:20am for the induction. They finally called me back to get me all registered and get the iv's started. I have to say, the IV went in SO easy! I hardly felt anything at all! Once I was all settled in, they called everyone back into the room. At 7am our OB came in to see if I was dilated anymore, but I was still at 3cm. At 7:20am they started the pitocin. By 10:30am I was contracting pretty hard but they were still kind of sporadic……I would have three good hard contractions in a row, then none for a little bit. At 11:40am the OB came in to break my water, which wasn’t bad at all…in fact, it felt good to get rid of that extra pressure! The contractions really picked up then….they felt like they were back to back with very little breaks in between. By noon I was SO ready for the epidural! The anesthesiologist came in and by 12:45pm I was feeling good. And the epi went in perfectly….no pain what so ever! They also put the catheter in a few minutes after the epidural and that was awesome as well! It felt so good to finally not have the feeling of having to pee constantly! The OB came back in and as of 1:10pm I was 4-5 cm dilated and 100% effaced. At 2:15pm I was still having some painful contractions, but only on the left side….my right leg was completely numb but the left leg was barely tingly. So the anesthesiologist came back in and added more meds to my epidural and I felt amazing!!! I actually was able to dose off for 30 minutes! A little before 3pm the nurse came back in and asked how I was feeling and I told her I felt great!! Boy did things change fast after that!!! She no sooner left when I started feeling contractions with TONS of pressure. At 3:15pm Zane buzzed the nurse and told them I was having contractions with tons of pressure and she came into the room quickly. I told her how I was feeling and she said she wanted to check my cervix. Well, when she checked my cervix she said “Ok, do me a favor….do not push! The baby is RIGHT there!” She grabbed her phone and called the nurses station and told them to get the doctor into the room STAT! Within 5 minutes the OB was in the room and we were ready for a baby!! After only 3 pushes, Chase Robert Marshall entered the world! He was so perfect in every way! I did have a 2nd degree tear, but I felt so good after delivery! And the best part of all, Tyler was in the room the whole time and saw his little brother being born! He was SO excited and amazed with everything!! When Chase came out and was crying he asked Zane’s mom why he was crying and she said all babies cry when they are born, and he gave her the biggest hug ever!!
*Added info* After they got Chase cleaned up and Z left to get my dad and his dad to come in, the nurse told me they like to do skin to skin contact to help keep the baby warm and asked if I would mind doing that.....I told her I LOVE that!! When they placed him onto my chest and he looked up at me my heart melted and I just fell in love. The only thing I’m dealing with now is horrible cramping…….it is TOTALLY kicking my butt!! I swear, the contractions didn’t even hurt this bad. I’m now taking motrin and vicodin for the cramps and as long as I don’t wait too long to take them they seem to be working. I’ll be so glad when they are gone for good, though!! Also, my sugar is now right back to where it was before I was pregnant and so is my pressure!
We are all so happy to have him here with us........
**I forgot to add that I actually called the day and time Chase would be born!! (well, close to the time, anyway...LOL) Last week when we saw the OB everyone was saying he could be born any day, but I said I just had a feeling it would be Tuesday the 9th....and that was with the OB saying if I didn't go on my own I was scheduled to be induced on the 10th. On Monday we found out we were going to be induced on Tuesday instead and when we left the office I told Z I just knew Tuesday would be the day and I got quiet for a second, then said "I think he'll be born around 3:45 in the afternoon......that sounds like a good time." Boy was I close, huh!!! LOL