
Friday, October 24, 2008

Yesterdays appointment :)

2:30pm - Yesterdays appointment went great!! My pressure was up some, so I have to make sure I mention that when I see the high risk doctors on Tuesday. But, they did a vaginal ultrasound and we got to see the sac and it is measuring right along with the dates I have! We go back in two weeks to see the regular ob (Dr. Elders), and I should be far enough along to see Little Nibbles and hopefully see a heartbeat. :)

It was so cute.......Tyler was in the room with us and he kept asking where the baby was. (on the screen) The nurse pointed out the little black space that was the sac and I told him "that's where Little Nibbles will live for the next 8-9 months!" and he said "Cool! I used to live there, didn't I mommy?!?"

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